Monday, October 22, 2007

And so it begins....

The wormhole: not just a cheesy sci-fi (fine, SF) name. It comes from a story of mine, about a little boy who discovers one in his closet, and amuses himself by stuffing things into it and watching them disappear into oblivion.

That's basically what I'm doing here.

I don't have time to endure the process of "finding a home" for my short fiction. One, it doesn't fit anywhere. B, as much as I like rejection slips, I'm not going to spend more cash than I have to sending out multiple envelopes of hard-earned paper. Been there, recycled that. Finally, I like to write. I like people to read it. I like people to read it who like off-kilter fiction, and don't mind that I sometimes indulge myself a little too much.

So, I'm going to post my fiction here. All of it. Even the stuff that sucks.

Please, enjoy it, rip it off, mass email to the office, tape it to your wall, light candles, and make a creepy, life size dummy of me that hangs above it.

But seriously, if it floats your boat, just make sure you say so.

Now, without further adieu, I present ...

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